Study Guides
What do Study Guides include?
Our study guides are uniquely designed to accompany each episode. They have two pages with areas for active student engagement and note taking. The study guides include sections such as vocabulary, prior knowledge, let’s zoom in, let’s practice, connections, diagrams, my notes, to recap, and question of the day. Each study guide also includes a separate answer key!
Are the Study Guides available digitally?
The study guides are available for immediate digital download as a .zip file! (We aren’t in the printing and shipping business anyways). After purchasing, a unique link to your digital goods will be emailed to you. Each study guide includes three files - PDF print, PDF fillable, and Answer Key.
What is a PDF Fillable?
PDF fillables are digitally interactive Adobe files. We’ve included clickable answer boxes for typable responses (like completing a table or short answer question) as well as upload files buttons for visual responses (like sketching a graph or diagram). They are compatible with several platforms such as Google Drive (online) and Adobe (offline).
I found a typo in a Study Guide ...who should I call to have you arrested?
Yikes! Arrests aside, please email us at theapsoluterecap@gmail.com to let us know of the error. We will send you a corrected product!
Season Pass, Bundles & Coupons
What is the difference between a Season Pass and a Bundle?
Both the season pass and bundle are ways to obtain discounted study guides for a specific academic year. A study guide season pass applies to a current episode season. The season pass is a gift card to our website that includes a 20% off coupon code. The value of the season pass combined with the coupon code will allow you to download the episodes released throughout the season. In contrast, a study guide bundle is an immediate digital download that includes all episode study guides from a prior season at 20% off.
How do I use the Season Pass?
The season pass is a digital gift card with a unique code. Simply use your code at checkout to apply your remaining season pass balance to your purchase.
How do I use the coupon code that comes with the Season Pass?
Once you’ve purchased your season pass - check your email! A coupon code will be sent to you within 24 hours. Enter this coupon code directly above the subtotal in checkout and hit apply for 20% off applicable study guides.
Virtual Tutoring and Classroom
How do I request a Virtual Tutoring Session?
Navigate to your subject of interest and click the red virtual tutoring button. This will open up a new window to schedule an appointment. Click the Virtual Tutoring paragraph left of the subject’s logo. Select your time zone to view the tutor’s calendar availability - any dates which have open appointments will be bolded and clickable. Select your date, select your time, and click the red continue button. Complete the “Your Info” tab to tell us about your tutoring needs and click a payment option. A confirmation email will be sent to you and your tutor after booking! Your tutor will email you a Zoom link prior to the session.
What is a Virtual Classroom?
Virtual Classroom is a 90 minute group recAP hosted in Zoom by your favorite podcasting teachers! Each lesson will focus on a specific unit topic, include visual aids and opportunities for practice. Lessons conclude with a student driven Q&A and a downloadable study packet. Spaces are limited!
How do I reserve a seat in the Virtual Classroom?
Navigate to your subject of interest and click the red virtual classroom button. This will open up a new window to schedule an appointment. Browse the classroom topics and click the paragraph to continue. Check the box if you want to reserve a “front seat” in the class. Select your time zone to view the calendar select the date, select the time, and click the red continue button. (Please note, that many classes only have one date and time option). Complete the “Your Info” tab to tell us about yourself and submit questions to the teacher in advance! Click a payment option to finish reserving your seat. A confirmation email will be sent to you after booking! The teacher will email you a Zoom link prior to the class.
What is a Front Seat in the Virtual Classroom?
Spaces are limited in the virtual classroom. A “front seat” is an optional add on during scheduling that guarantees teacher engagement with you during the Q&A. Your questions submitted during scheduling will get priority!
The RecAP
How do I download/access my purchase?
Unique links to your digital goods are available in two places. You will find a downloadable link on your confirmation page and an email will be sent to you as well! Please note that the link is only active for 24 hours.
When will you have more courses?
Only time will tell! We are continuously working behind the scenes to bring you more recAPs. If you have a specific course you would like to see join the podcast - please contact us!
How do I stay up to date with everything going on at The APsolute RecAP?
Follow us on social media for daily content including questions of the day, exam updates, and new products. For a more synthesized update, create an account with us to sign up for our newsletter!
Where do I find specific podcast episodes?
Our episodes are available on several platforms, including Spotify, Stitcher, and Apple Podcasts. You can search for specific keywords on our Study Guide page to narrow down an episode of interest.
I’m not an AP student, can I still use the podcast?
Of course! Many of our episodes are appropriate for other subject levels and offer a great opportunity to review.
Can I share the Study Guides with my students?
Yes! Our Copyright Educator Fair Use policy allows teachers to use our purchased study guides with their own students both printed in the classroom and digitally. Please see our Terms of Service for more details.
How do I join The APsolute RecAP podcasting team?
Whether you are interested in collaborating on an existing podcast or a future subject - we want to hear from you! Please complete our collaboration form and we will contact you about available opportunities.
How can I become a tutor for The APsolute RecAP?
All of our tutoring sessions are 60 minutes each and occur through Zoom. Please complete our collaboration form and we will contact you with next steps!