The APsolute RecAP: Chemistry Edition - E014 - Periodic Trends and Coloumb's Law
Our study guide will provide you with space to summarize Coulomb's Law as well as the periodic trends: atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electronegativity and electronaffinity. It will also connect the trends to the periodic table and atomic structure. Recap, space for your notes, test taking tip, question of the day and answer included!
Our study guide will provide you with space to summarize Coulomb's Law as well as the periodic trends: atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electronegativity and electronaffinity. It will also connect the trends to the periodic table and atomic structure. Recap, space for your notes, test taking tip, question of the day and answer included!
Our study guide will provide you with space to summarize Coulomb's Law as well as the periodic trends: atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electronegativity and electronaffinity. It will also connect the trends to the periodic table and atomic structure. Recap, space for your notes, test taking tip, question of the day and answer included!